Our Mission The mission of the Bayfield Regional Conservancy is to protect the natural lands, waters, forests, farms and places of scenic, historic, and spiritual value in the northwestern Wisconsin.
Our Vision Bayfield Regional Conservancy (BRC) is an accredited regional land trust and is considered a viable conservation option by local governments, tribes, landowners, land managers, and local citizens in our service area of Ashland, Bayfield, Douglas and Sawyer Counties. Guided by strategic priorities and strategic conservation plans, and proactive outreach efforts, BRC has over 5,500 acres of high quality resources protected forever through conservation easements, land acquisition and/or conveyance, and other creative partnerships.
To accomplish this protection work, BRC has a professional and full-time staff, interns, and a crew of trained, regular volunteers. BRC is a fun and dynamic and resilient organization where staff members work as a team with the board and volunteers to pursue the mission with creativity, purpose and enthusiasm. BRC is a financially self-sustaining land trust with eight hundred to one thousand members, seventy-five active volunteers, and an annual operating budget of $300,000.