The Conservancy continues to partner with the
Friends of the White River, the Wild Rivers Chapter of Trout Unlimited
and the Wisconsin DNR to buy key properties along the White River in Ashland
and Bayfield Counties to protect this unique and scenic trout stream and
watershed. Traversing one of Wisconsin's largest wetlands, the 10,000 acre
Bibon Marsh, the White River is exceptionally pristine and diverse. Harboring
high quality aquatic habitat, the White River’s 60 miles of flow includes: 44
miles of DNR classified Outstanding or Exceptional Resource Waters and 20 miles
of Class 1 Trout Waters. The White
River Watershed’s many habitats are home to rare and threatened species such as
American martens, Red shouldered hawks, Cerulean warblers and other imperiled
The White River Fisheries area is quite large. Click here for a more information on exploring this area.